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Writer's pictureMargi B.

How to Cope with Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Coronavirus pandemic has got us all looking at life in a new and different way. We all have experienced different emotions in the last couple of months ranging from fear to acceptance. No matter what the “new normal” is, we still need to accept the fact that we are not alone in this. Especially if you are living alone or far from home, you must be more careful of your mental and physical health during this epidemic that we are facing. But what do you when one day you wake up and feel lonely all of a sudden? It is not unusual nor something to be afraid of. Here are some of the ways to cope with loneliness during the coronavirus pandemic.

Take Care of Yourself

First and foremost, you start by taking charge of yourself and trying to be the best version of you that you are proud of. I start by focusing on my physical as well as mental well-being and realize when I need a change of things to stay in the happy zone. But with the coronavirus pandemic around us, we also need to make sure that our immunity is well taken care of.

Avoid physical contact with people outside your house as much as you can, wear a mask when you go outside, wash your hands frequently and eat healthily. Avoid take-outs and delivery as much as you can so you can eat homemade and fresh food that boosts your immunity and brings you strength. Try to incorporate any physical activity in your daily schedule like doing some cardio exercises or yoga or even just a few stretches to maintain muscle functioning and not get lethargic. A well-exercised and well-fed body can beat insomnia and anxiety, giving you a much healthier daily life.

Stay Alert and Informed

Try to stay on top of the news and whatever’s happening around you. If there is something I learned during the start of the pandemic was to check the news as soon as I wake up to see how much the situation has escalated and what new changes I need to bring in my life to beat the pandemic. However, for some people I have realized this is also depressing in a way. Lately, studies have shown that people who stayed informed of the happenings around them had better psychological functioning and resilience.

As of right now in Canada, it looks like things are taking a turn for the worse in terms of coronavirus cases and knowing what is happening helps me control my anxiety and plan my week ahead. Knowing and understanding is half the battle.

Stick to a Schedule

It is always fun and engaging when you have things that you look forward to. Especially when you are living by yourself, it is important to have a to-do list or a daily schedule to look forward to. Doing so makes you feel like you have things to do and gives your day a purpose. Start easy by making a list of things that you want to get done within the week and then move onto daily to-do lists.

Once you get yourself familiar with the process it is so easy to follow through. And me being the nerd I am, I just love checking off the things from the list, so one more reason to feel happy and productive even when you are by yourself.

Find Ways to Connect

We are limited to social distancing and virtual hugs right now, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t connect with our family, friends and loved ones. In fact, studies suggest that being in touch with the people that we care about helps build our emotions and a happy mindset. When I used to live alone in college, I used to consistently call home and video call at least once a week. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be now with the limitations, but it doesn’t mean that we can’t do it.

So, make sure that you are not webbing up excuses to not call, and put “call family/best friend” in your weekly to-do lists. Talk about nothing and everything and you would instantly feel a wave of inner peace rush over you. And it is never too hard to check up on your family and see if they are coping well too.

Get Creative

Loneliness is an emotion that you feel even though you might be surrounded by people. And you are your best chance to make yourself feel good. Hobbies, I have discovered, are a lifesaver with the quarantine and lockdown. You need something to keep your body and mind in a focus and simultaneously brings happiness and satisfaction to you. I learned a few days ago that blogging, reading books and anti-stress colouring brings me the most joy and somehow relieves me of any stress or anxiety that I have pent up.

Find a hobby or do something creative which engages your mind and your body and passing time would be that much easier. If you are an extrovert, staying at home and doing mundane tasks can be hard but find something that you enjoy doing, even if its as simple a task as organizing your closet with your favourite music in the background. But start by at least trying to find something you enjoy doing.

Give Comfort to Yourself

And lastly, don’t forget that you are your best hope in such hard times. Believe it or not, but you are responsible for your emotions more than anyone else around you and therefore it's you who holds the power to change it. So don’t hesitate to follow your heart and do what you love at all costs. Now that doesn’t mean that you should go out and socialize, putting everybody else at risk, but realize that the situation could be much worse than this. And staying home, or working from home, might not be that bad after all. Give yourself some credit to being sane in all the insanity and bring comfort by enjoying the time which you may never get back. And don't hesitate to reach out for help if you get overwhelmed with everything.

For all I know, it looks like we are heading towards the second wave of the coronavirus and it is not “old news.” We must be stronger, better and smarter this time around and make sure that we are happy in our little bubble for now. Because one day, it will get better, it’s the only way.

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