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Writer's pictureMargi B.

How to Stay Positive and Happy in Life

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

Do you sometimes feel that you are being attacked with negativity and there is no way out? It’s completely okay to feel like that, but you are wrong if you think that there is no way out of it. Staying positive in challenging times and staying happy isn’t easy but it’s a self-developed outlook to life that we all need to understand sooner rather than later. Fast-paced life takes a toll on every single person but how you decide to deal with it, and stay positive no matter what brings out the fighter in you.

Here are some of the easy ways to stay positive and happy in life especially during hard times. Not only are they easy to follow, but if you understand the purpose behind each, it will energize you to continue.

1. Make a Gratitude Journal

Start slow and easy by making a gratitude journal. One thing I have learned over the years is to always beat the negatives with the positives. A gratitude journal is to make little notes of things that you feel grateful for. It’s about savoring the precious things or moments that you have, and which can never be replaced. It can be as simple as a good cup of tea you had that day or the long chat you had with your best friend.

You can either make a list of five things every day and try not to repeat them. Another way you can do it is to think about five things that you are grateful for when you wake up and right before going to bed. It is one of the miraculous ways of changing your outlook in life.

2. Challenge the Negative Thoughts

You are your biggest strength, and nobody can ever take that away from you. So, start by understanding what triggers your negative thoughts or gives you bad vibes and stay away from that. The way of doing that is to think about all the things you are grateful for, thankful for, and happy for having those. Suddenly, the bad things won’t feel as bad as to all the great things you have, or you are going after. The passion for you to stay positive will help you to challenge the negative outcomes.

Realize what feels you with negative rage and try to avoid putting yourself in a situation like that or around the people responsible for it.

3. Surround Yourself with Good Company

Good social connections are just as important as your will to change the way you see life. Surrounding yourself with family and friends who encourages you to follow your passion, understand your worth, and gives you the freedom to be yourself needs to be greatly appreciated. They can build your self-esteem in a way that there is no other way but for you to grow and be happy doing it.

Negative and toxic relationships create unnecessary tension and conflicts that you don’t really need in your life. Don’t think twice before cutting the ties off with those people if they are affecting your mental health in a bad way.

4. Defeat Self-doubt

Learn to understand your worth and don’t let others define the way you see yourself. If you are your biggest strength, you can also be your worst enemy if you make that mistake. Nobody knows you or your mind that way you do. So, do things that will make you happy, follow your dreams, build on your passion, and learn to be your best friend. Meditate whenever you have time to search that happy place within you where you can let go of all the worries and just be calm for a moment.

5. Learn to Say NO!

The most difficult part of life is saying NO! where it really needs to be said. Doing things that you don’t like or don’t have the enthusiasm for can really harm your mental strength. If you are not comfortable doing a task that you have been assigned to, learn to politely say no or find a way to get out of it. Because if you don’t, you will keep overthinking about it, stress yourself out, and bring unnecessary anxiety. And those are the things that you want to stay away from when you are building yourself to see the positivity in life.

At the end of the day, always remember to catch yourself, slow down, breathe and find a reason to smile, do things that make you happy, listen to songs that soar your spirits high, and find the inner happiness in you.

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