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Writer's pictureMargi B.

Staying Productive While You’re Working from Home

We are all trying to make sense of whatever hit us this year, but we are grasping reality one thing at a time. And now it is time for us to get back in the routine slowly but steadily. But some of us are still stuck in the transitioning where we figure out the work from home concept. Sure, it has its perks but without the right management, it can be a bit challenging to manoeuvre. So here are some ways to stay productive while

working from home.

1. Dedicated Place Setting

It is so important to start by setting up a place that is your dedicated spot for working. Once you know that a spot is your “workplace” it can instantly change your perspective the moment you are there. It helps you to draw a distinction between a place where you watch movies and a place where you are determined, focused and working. Make sure that all the things and stationery that you will need while you are working is organised and well within your reach to cut down on infuriating instances.

Set up a desk with the necessary gadgets for your work and keep it clean and welcoming. A well-made place is more motivating and will inspire you to hustle through the day’s work without overwhelming you. If you are a parent, your kids will have a clear idea of your workplace and a 'Do Not Disturb' zone.

2. Set Up a Routine

As crucial as it is for you to set up a place for working, it is also necessary that you have a schedule to go with it. A schedule helps you to navigate better throughout the day and have a designated time for work, so you are not procrastinating or getting lost in the sea of all things that you must do. The best routine that I found for myself was to wake up, shower and get dressed, get a cup of coffee and sit down on my desk for work. I would only take bathroom breaks in between and a half-hour lunch and nothing else.

I would list down all the other things that I need to do after “work hours” so that I am prepared and don’t get sucked into Netflix, at least till after I am done with chores. I soon realised that this routine worked best for me but of course might be different for somebody with kids at home. So, find out your best routine where you are not compromising your work and piling yourself with more than you can do.

3. Emphasis on Boundaries

Once you have a clear idea of where, how and when you are going to work, it is important now to let other people know of your plans. Let your family members know of your schedule and your place setting and set your limits. When you are working from home, there are more distractions and you must learn to draw your limits to prevent yourself from spiralling.

The reason to have housemates in on your plans prevents them from interrupting you while working and helps you to concentrate better. If someone is blasting music too loud, it is important that you request them not to do it and so on as it is work after all. The only difference is that you are working from home and not from the maintained confines of an office.

4. Take Scheduled Breaks

Regular intervals are necessary to keep your mind refreshed and stretch the muscles. Sitting in the same position for prolonged time periods stiffens your muscles and might give you a backache. So, make sure you are taking a break at regular intervals and stretching your body. You can also use this break to listen to a song you like to clear your mind and start anew. Your feet can get swollen too if you are just hanging from the chair and not getting movement. To avoid all the annoying discomforts, make sure to move your body as much as you can through stretching exercises.

For an easy start, begin with stretching your arms above your head as high as you can, both at the same time. Repeat the same now with your arms stretched in front of you. For your legs, stand up on your toes and then your heels to stretch the calves. This will prevent stiff muscles and joints.

5. Prep for Yourself

I was glad when I started working from home thinking that I could be in my sweats and no one will care. But it soon reflected on my ability to perform well, however. So, me being in my relaxing clothes didn’t give me the understanding of actually “being at work” mentally and so I made a change in my routine and started dressing up before I sit down at my desk. It made such a difference knowing that I am ready and in a proper attire just like I would at work. Once I am done with that I would change in something comfortable to make the transition from work to home even though I was just changing rooms.

It also made me realize that I get hungry working from home, more so because the kitchen is just a few steps away. I started to meal prep the night before so that I don’t have to worry about wasting my lunch hour in preparing, rather than just eating and relaxing. Most of us tend to get snack-y while sitting at one place for too long so I would keep some fruits, nuts and protein bars handy just to save time going to the kitchen and back.

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