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Writer's pictureMargi B.

Ways to Change Your Life for Better and Forever

Updated: Sep 7, 2020

“And suddenly you know its time to start something new and trust the magic of beginnings” – Meister Eckhart

We all strive to be a better version of ourselves but rarely know where to start. There are days when we realise that we need to oomph-up our routine and change some important things in our lives to experience enriched every day. Here are some ways to change your life for better and forever starting today. Not only will it give you the inspiration to begin but to carry out the ways and reap all the benefits in the end.

But of course, none of this is possible, if you are missing the self-confidence to go along with it. Always remember, you are your worst enemy and any change coming from within needs a strong mind to go along. Here are 5 tips to change your life today.

1. Determination and Commitment

As I mentioned earlier, any change starts with a strong mindset. It is crucial that you trick your mind in understanding why this change is a good thing for you and your future to strengthen you. This will bring along a sense of confidence and birth determination to go forward with your plans. We must focus on changing a lifestyle to one that more self-dependent and more fulfilling than the one we already have.

Missing out on this step warrants losing motivation sooner or later because you forget why you started with the change in the first place. Remember all those times you wanted to start working out or go to thy gym, but you couldn’t continue with it? It’s because you forgot to train your mind for it!

2. Learn Positive Thinking

Now that mind is in with the plans for changes, its time to radiate that for your surroundings as well. You start with learning positive thinking and having faith in the journey to make it all worth it. I have realised over the years that you need a strong start to make life-changing altercations and so we need to develop a strong sense of positivity to motivate ourselves to do better.

Let’s suppose that you want to be more active and start going for walks but what if you couldn’t distract yourself from all the little things that can be irritating? You will never be able to keep up with it because you couldn’t extract yourself from the negatives to see the positives and that’s something we want to avoid.

3. Random Acts of Kindness

Along with the positive outlook towards life, we also need to grasp the context of kindness with one another. Yes, the world is harsh, and we need to be smart but that doesn’t mean that you must be rude and cruel too. Once you start to internalise your emotions, you start pushing people away and lose yourself in the process. So, we learn how to be nicer, kinder and positive to people and to ourselves.

Random acts of kindness also bring a new wave of freshness and the emergence of positive vibes from the inside. Help someone in need and see how much satisfaction it brings you. I believe that it is because we feel like we did something worthwhile and enjoy our life a tad more.

4. Set Up a Routine

Unorganised lifestyle is one of the many things stopping you from pursuing your ambitions. I think we are excusing too much of the clutter by calling it a “creative mess” but it is not creative if it is wasting your time or holding you back from a setting a routine. I have learned from mistakes, experience and wasting a lot of time that clutter is not going to help you no matter what. You need to prioritize your tasks in a way that you are not wasting most of the time by trying to figure out where you want to start.

Once you have a routine, it is easier to stick to it now because you have made up your mind and you are determined. All you must do is understand what you want to prioritize from the time you wake up till the time you go to bed. Start by meditating, having breakfast, getting ready for school/work/running errands, have some time for yourself and do what you love, watch a movie, unwind with your family, set up tasks for the other day and go to bed with the satisfaction of having achieved a fulfilling day.

5. Practice Mindfulness

And lastly, remember to thank yourself for all the wonderful things that you are doing or are looking up for by practising mindfulness. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to meditate per se but tune out the world for a while, put your phone on silent, sit or lie down, and cherish the things that you have and be proud of yourself for being so confident and determined to make changes in your lifestyle. A person well-versed with self-awareness rarely needs to find comfort in anything else. Be mindful of what you are doing, and make sure to change things that you believe is not making you happy.

We are, essentially, our own best friend too and if someone can push us to follow through on this journey, it's us. We need to start believing in ourselves and inspire the inner self to be the best version ever. Sometimes, change is the most beautiful thing in the world and you will only be able to appreciate that once you have been at the winning end of the process.

As Anything & Everything quotes, “Be brave, imagine!”

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